By Tijani Ahmad Ashimi
The mosque is the most important institution in Islam. After the home and working place, it is undoubtedly the most frequent and routine place that Muslims visit. The mosque, moreover, has developed significantly over the past 1400 years, as it has continuously played an active role in the guidance of the Muslim Ummah(community) teaching both the young and older generations, as well as producing a venue for Muslims to meet each other on religious occasions. Indeed, historically speaking, it is undeniable fact that, place of worship is known from the time the history of man was recorded. This fact indicates that man is created as a religious creature. Therefore, in order to achieve this spiritual goal by man, he built the temple, the synagogue the church and the mosque. In this regard, this humble article will apply Quranic approach to demonstrate the mosque and its vis a vis multi-dimensional roles in Islam.
Keywords: Mosque, Islam, history, Qur’an, role, worship, education