Using The Constructivist Approach to Integrate Religious and Science Education
Safa A. Zaid El-Kailani *
Islamic ideals and constructivist approach have a common viewpoint concerning nature of knowledge, the way to restructure the theory, the role of sociocultural values and power in such intercourse, and the procedure to construct a unified holistic coherent world view theory about the universe. The integration between religion and science education using a constructivist approach happened by understanding the wisdom of God and the coherent way in which the universe works; such coherence is a function of grace towards the Creator who estimates the necessity of people; the success in using nature’ resource happened through God’s guidance; and that worshiping performances needs an understanding for science concepts. The findings of the empirical study, however, show that students affected by the positivists and value free approach lack the basic understanding of the interrelation between scientific concepts and their application in Islamic performances.